Four years ago, we started with a vision...

The adventure began when founder Daniel Chen purchased Tweety, a parakeet. As they began their journey together, Daniel was astounded at the lack of variety in bird cages. He realized that though technology has allowed the world to become increasingly user-friendly for humans, the world has stayed largely the same for pets.

Our Mission: Disrupt Birdkeeping Forever

Rather than keeping birds in tight, stuffy metal cages that restrict flight, here at Finch we have made it our mission to create a natural, breathable environment for birds that allows them to feel at peace in your home. Our innovative cage designs have been proven to boost bird health, increase movement, and enhance appetite.

"When birds feel comfortable, they feel confident. With this confidence comes increased appetite and more natural behaviors, boosting the longevity of the bird". -- Daniel Chen, Finch founder & CEO